Other Resources that Mark hoca recommends
The following are a series of quizzes on topics that are super important.
The topics and quizzes are sorted from easier to harder.
There will be some answers that confuse you - I guarantee it. Also, you may have a correct answer that isn't on the list (clever you)! Therefore, you should make a note of these confusing examples and bring them to class so that we can discuss them.
Tenses Generally
Conditionals & Modals
Present Perfect Tense
PP1 Chose from a list by test-english
PP2 Fill in the gaps by englishpage
PP3 Fill in the gaps by Perfect English Grammar
T1 Choose from a list by ProProfs
T2 Choose from a list by test-english
T3 Choose from a list by GrammarBank
T4 Mixed with theory by Miami Dade College
Perfect Tenses
Gerunds & Infinitives
GI1 Gap fill by Perfect English Grammar
GI2 Choose from list by test-english
GI3 Choose from list by ELT Base
Since transitioning from being an accounting professional to a content creator, educator and more, I've discovered that I can be very creative.
In fact, I love to dream-up unique, fun and exciting ways of delivering services to people like you.
I prefer to create my own English development resources that challenge you and thus, ensure that you are learning quickly and effectively.
Whilst this is not the full list of resources, it's a good snap-shot of the best of what has been created over a period of more than 10+ years.
I truly hope you get a lot of value and enjoyment through using them.
Mark hoca